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Chicken Adventure Begins

Our first step towards the 'homestead' lifestyle: CHICKENS.  J and I have been researching, reading books & articles, and saving a TON of info to our Pinterest board.  I know we are in for some surprises and troubles, but we are doing our best to head them off and avoid other peoples mistakes. (J is still trying to convince me that we need to start pigs this year.  I keep reminding him that is one of the PRIMARY mistakes other homesteaders have made: being too eager and getting in too deep, too fast).

So, we start our garden and chickens this year - keeping our fingers crossed that we aren't putting them in poor locations.  The chickens are the first thing branching out into our additional 2 acres.  The coop and kennel are going at the outside, back corner of our fenced in yard.  Our coop is valiantly being made from old cabinets we picked up at the local Habitat for Humanity, Re-Store.  We intend to paint, add roof, prop up on legs, and insert some roosts.

Our research into the Chicken kingdom left us indecisive as to which chickens to purchase.  We looked for ones that are winter hardy, good layers, and potentially dual purpose. J chose Barred Rocks (we got 3), and I chose 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Silver-Laced Wyandotte, and 1 Aracauna. We are handling them daily in the vain attempt to have hug-able chickens!  Up to now,  J's chickens have been the bravest and friendliest (I admit, defeated).  Only contest left is which are the best layers (and, I suppose, which survive winter).

The kids helped toss around some ideas for names, and we chose a 'Moana' theme, since we recently saw (and loved) the movie.

Here are our Little Ladies:


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