I have an excess of laundry, so anyone who wants some is welcome to it. I think about a week plus of dirty clothes have created a mountain in my room. And anyone who know me knows I hate laundry and often have a decent pile to deal with, but this is a different story. This is a MOUNTAIN! Our washer broke a couple of weeks ago. We braved it and went to the laundry mat the first week, but that cost $40 and before we did it again we decided it would be better spent being put toward an actualy washer. So today we purchased a new (used) washer - and never in my life have I been so greatful to be able to do laundry! mmmmm - the smell of clean clothes fresh from the dryer. So nice.
We initially thought fixing our washer would be cheaper, but after a little research into the problem, just the peice needed to fix it would cost at LEAST $175, not to mention getting someone to get their butt to our house to fix it - so...new washer, which ended up being $75 from a nice old man who repairs and resells washers and dryers . Thanks.
We initially thought fixing our washer would be cheaper, but after a little research into the problem, just the peice needed to fix it would cost at LEAST $175, not to mention getting someone to get their butt to our house to fix it - so...new washer, which ended up being $75 from a nice old man who repairs and resells washers and dryers . Thanks.