we have a mouse problem. We noticed this little mouse because he kept leaving droppings on my counter in the kitchen, and because he was eating my no-bake-cookies! (horror of all horrors). Mouse poison has already been laid under the house, but apparently it is not doing the trick. We proceeded to buy a glue trap, and the next morning, lo and behold, a glue trap with a bunch of mouse hair on it. And this rodent is still doing its deed on my counter tops. J even baited the mouse with no-bake cookie pieces, to no avail. So we resorted to the mouse trap that kills - duh duh dun! So we were sitting in the living room watching a movie and all of a sudden SNAP CLANG! Took me a minute before I realized what had happened, and then J went and checked; we got the sorry little SOB! We left a couple of traps out just for good measure, but we were fairly certain there was only one (my mom promised there would be more, but I did not want to believe her). Next night, sitting in the living room and SNAP! what the?
and yes, we got another (this one looks like it is a mommy that had to abandon her babies cuz daddy did not bring home the bacon...or no-bake cookies)....and so on and so forth. Now we have added up 4 dead mice, but I'm not so sure that is the end of the story.
wait a minute....what was that I hear?.... :)
Good luck with the rest of your miceys. They are sneaking little buggers. I still feel sad when they are dead in the trap though ... if only they understood ultimatums.
And I'm with Erin...just send me the cookies.