Conveniently (for valentines day and all) M has recently discovered...and practiced...that she can make the I love You sign with her hands. It's really great because she's really enthusiastic and excited about it. Spontaneously she walks by with the sign held out and announces "I LOVE YOU, MOM!" and it's great.
M got 3 things for Valentines Day. One was a gigantic pink and red catepillar (which she adores), two was a heart balloon with tweety on it, and three is displayed in this picture - guess what it was-
M got 3 things for Valentines Day. One was a gigantic pink and red catepillar (which she adores), two was a heart balloon with tweety on it, and three is displayed in this picture - guess what it was-'s kinda hard to tell in this picture, but we got her ears pierced! and she is soooo stinkin proud. We've talked about doing it a couple of times, but I though she was too little, plus I totally didn't want to hurt her. She kept telling me she wanted her own though, and so on V day J and I asked her if she wanted her ears pierced, and she said yes. Now, I know 2 year olds can't really make decisions like that, but she in general knew what she was getting into. I told her, multiple times "M, It will hurt to get your ears pierced. It will be owies." and very seriously she looked back and J and I and said "I know. It be owies, but I need to." - so. we did.