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Showing posts from March, 2010

Story Time

Driving home from somewhere at the end of a long morning M, Justi and E are sitting in the back of the car and M asks Justi for a story. Justi has a habit of mixing up her stories a bit, usually not too much, but just enough to make us laugh. This time she didn't really mix it up, she just had a funny transition- The story of choice is The Three Bears. Can't go wrong with this one. So, as the story goes on after the bears discover their soup, and chairs have been used they continue into the bedroom to discover their beds have been as well. When Justi got to this part: "When they got to little bear's bed who do you think was in it?...Well, following the general trend of things , Goldilocks was in his bed..." Which I couldn't help but giggle about - as if M would know what follow the trend of things meant. Well, maybe she kinda gets it now?

Singing with M

Driving home today the song from, I believe, Sugarland came on that says: "All I want to do(hoo hoo hoo hoo, woo woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo-oo-ooo) l0-0ve you," and as we dance in our seats and sing along M comments "This is just like Veggie Tales" I pause for a second and then laugh and say "It sure is baby." and we kept singing. For those of you who do not know it, is from Madam Blueberry, by Veggie Tales; in her movie the song goes: "I am so blue-hoo-hoo blue-hoo-hoo blue-hoo-hoo hooooo. I'm so blue I don't know what to do." hear All I want to do HERE

spring break

I haven't blogged in a while, but sorry to say nothing has been happening, and I can't remember any of the whitty things M may have said. It is spring break and I've got nothing to share. It's a fun life if I have any say.

Doin' better.

alright, everyone seems to be better - for the time being anyhow. No more yucky bodily fluids...well there is E's snot to consider, but I'll take that any day compared to what he was giving me. Back on the road to calmness. J and I were about ready to run away the last couple of days (knowing that justi is home, of course ;) ) because the crying and whining seemed non-stop and of course the two always did it at the same time, and then some! Whew. glad that's over.

Sick babies

My kids are still sick. Yesterday night I woke up at 1 am, 3 am and 5:30 - at which point I brought M back to bed with me; at 6:30 we woke up to her throwing up. Throughout the day I changed her clothes twice, her bedding and our bedding once, plus 2 baths. E still had nasty diarreah all day, and neither of them wanted to eat; however they did enjoy pancakes and eggs for dinner. Top it off with whining (which I don't blame either of them, I whine when I am sick too). Last night same gig - only I made J get up - at 1,3 and 6. And now more vomit. I'm not loving it, to say the least.

Oh what a day

This morning started with cranky kids. Both of them. E just whiny and M complaining that her stomache hurts (which is generally gas when she complains). Then, I am changing E's dirty diaper and low and behold I find this in his diaper: (not the quarter, its there for size reference) ...oh yeah - in one end and out the other. It is a glass bead/rock. GEEZ! Then I go to school and take them to educare, M went fine, but as soon as I put E down he started to cry. Off to class, where I am shopping for a new quickbooks trial so I can finish my Computerized accounting class; I purchased one, but I was trying to save money by buying a used edition. Well, guess what? Used trials only work for 30 days, and you can't register it for the full 140 days cause it has already been registered under someone else. You know how much a new one costs? $100! Did I mention I was trying to save money?? Anyway, around 2 I get a call from M's teacher who says that M has a 102 fever and has thrown up...

Inspired by emily

This is something Emily's post reminded me of; a poem/song I may have heard it :) Boundin', by Pixar “Pink? Pink? Well, what’s wrong with pink? Seems you’ve got a pink kink in your think. Does it matter what color? Well, that gets nope. Be it pink purple or heliotrope. Now sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down, When you find that you’re down well just look around: You still got a body, good legs and fine feet, Get your head in the right place and hey, you’re complete! “Now as for the dancin’, you can do more, You can reach great heights, in fact you can soar. You just get a leg up and ya slap it on down, And you’ll find you’re up in what’s called a bound. Bound, bound, and rebound. Bound and you’re up right next to the sky, And I think you can do it if you give it a try, First get a leg up, slap it on down…” So every year, along about May, They’d load him up and they’d haul him away, And they’d shave him and dump him all naked and bare. He learned to live wit...

E's first birthday

E's first birthday was great, and thanks to everyone who came and made if fun for him and us. And thank you everyone for his presents; He is having a lot of fun with them (as is M). I can not believe my baby is one. He still doesn't talk much, just ma ma, da da, na na (no). He uses hand signs for all done, more, please and eat; however more often then not he does a combo sign of please/more whenever he wants something. He picked up on the walking thing pretty fast, and although he is a bit wobbly, he is liking walking all over. He is a bit of a cry baby and his world falls a part at the drop of a hat...or car, or barn, or ball. But he is super adorable and lovable, and his fussiness can be overlooked......sometimes. WE love him, and he gets more wonderful every day.