The other day J, M and I went to rent some movies from Blockbuster Video. When we pulled up to the store M saw this poster. When she saw it, she perked up and announced "Sushi Bear!" I asked her to say it again to make sure I heard her right, and she said "Sushi Bear" and pointed at the poster. I look all around and at all the posters and I inquire "what's a sushi bear?" she points again to the same poster and says "Sushi bear. Right there." I look at the poster and realize she is calling the panda from the Kung Fu Panda poster 'sushi bear'. We have not yet seen this movie, and so I it took me a minute to figure out why she was calling it a sushi's because he is using chopsticks and holding food in them. After I figure that all out, I turn to J and say "how on earth does he know what sushi is??" (which J nor I eat.) We both sit and ponder for awhile, and J finally perks up "The raccoon movie...